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Monday, February 17, 2014

Snickerdoodle Cookies

This recipe is not my own. Sometime in October or November I realized that I needed another cookie to bake instead of only and always making my beloved No-Bake Cookies. I knew my husband was the chocolate chip cookie baker between us, so that was a no-go, and then I remembered the forever under-rated snickerdoodle cookie. Yup! That was it. So I did some research and found this amazing recipe. I've baked them about 3 times, each time the batch made A LOT of them and the natives here seemed to respond to them much better than any other things I've ever made for them... I had men and women asking me for the recipe which in my opinion is the biggest food compliment you can give someone. So now I must share it with you...

Click HERE for the Snickerdoodle recipe. I feel too guilty to just write out the recipe on here as if it were my own, I would rather take you to the person -or site- I got it from. But, the recipe is too good for me to just keep to myself, thus why I am writing about it on my blog for you.

The only thing that was different for me was that mine baked a lot longer because my oven is weird like that and even though I followed all the measurements it made more like 3 and a half dozen cookies instead of the 2 dozen the blog says (it may turn out differently for you though). I also covered my cookies with way more cinnamon and sugar as you see in my picture of them above.


P.S. I plan to share my 'brownies from scratch recipe' with you soon and 'how to know when to part with your clothes' topic...what are your thoughts on that? Thanks!

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