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Sunday, May 4, 2014

One Sided French-Braid Bun

About a week ago my oldest sister and her kiddos made a short visit, so we decided to have a hair day. I presented 3 different hair-dos to my almost 10 year old niece in which she picked the one that this post is about....THUS she is the beautiful subject in the pictures.

INSTRUCTIONS for the one sided french-braid bun:

1. Using a wide-tooth comb or pick, comb all the hair to one side.

2. Start french braiding. 
*If you do not know how to french braid, there are plenty of extremely good tutorials you can find on youtube of a simple french braid. Like THIS one.
*With this side braid you will just be adding much more hair on the one side as opposed to the very little amount you will be using on the other side...and don't worry, it will turn out great!

3. Braid all the way down the hair.

4. Take the braid and roll it (like you roll up a sleeping bag. DON'T TWIST!!!) starting from the bottom to where it tightly snuggles against the nape of the neck and hold it in place with one hand.

5. Then pin it in place piece by piece on the outer edges.

6. Enjoy the happy smile on the finished product.