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Thursday, December 20, 2012

First Ever Chicken & Dumpling Soup...

I admit, I am one of those who uses 'the box' on many things. Which is rather bold of me since it seems to be  'the thing' where we are for woman to do things 'from scratch'. But this time I did do something 'from scratch' and it turned out pretty stinkin' good along with a bit of learning...

I didn't use any recipe. Instead I realized I had the ingredients in my home for this already and after eating so much chicken soup from a can when I was sick I realized that I could probably make my own.

So I got to work. I thought about that soup folks get at chinese joints with the egg stuff in the broth and decided to throw in a raw egg and let it cook poached style. The other random thing I did that maybe isn't the 'norm' is I made my dumplings huge...but that was purely a happy accident. I had a can of pilsbury biscuits and I threw those in as my dumplings. What I didn't realize was that I shouldn't split them in half but maybe more like fourths! They're bigger than golf balls! But I'm a dumpling lover anyways so I'm cool with it.

Here's What I Did for Chicken and Dumpling Soup:

Needed ingredients-
1 large chicken breast
1 can of biscuits
1-1.5 cups of mixed veggies
a handful or two of 'Pennsylvania Dutch noodles' (uncooked)
1 tb chicken bouillon (only a tb because you already will have chicken stock made from the boiling chicken)

Boil the chicken 75% (about 15-20 minutes of boiling).
Add water and bouillon and egg -in that order.
Lower heat setting to just above medium.
Split up each biscuit and toss them in.
Pour in veggies and noodles.
Stir occasionally.
Sprinkle in salt, pepper, and garlic.
Let it reach a boil then lower heat setting 1 or 2 notches.
A little while later  (check noodles to know when done) after the smell becomes intoxicating turn it off and eat/store in fridge.

Oh ya and be sure to shred whatever chunks of chicken are should fall apart very easily with a fork.

This was split up into 3 medium sized jars and 1 medium sized container...Should easily feed a family of 4/5.

P.S. So the Hubs said, when I told him I made soup without a recipe and that he can have some when he gets home, that he will wait to try it until I've had it first...because when I make things out of my head it turns out either 'absolutely amazing' or 'wretchedly awful'...

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