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Friday, December 7, 2012

Chicago Inspired Deep Dish Pizza

My husband and I absolutely love pizza. Of all kinds. But our favorite is deep dish. Our dream is to visit Chicago and try all the pizza joints possible. For my last birthday we decided to make deep dish pizza and from there we found our pizza destiny...

For the bread you can use either frozen bread doe (follow instructions carefully...this has a better taste and is easier to work with when forming it into the dish but takes more labor) or those Pillsbury Pizza Doe in a can know one of those you pop open and jump every time it pops...

*This could have been brought an inch higher...but I forgot my green peppers in this one and more layers of pepperoni...It was also slightly over cooked as you can see in the picture. HINT: Do not over cook it or it won't stay together. If you start seeing dark brown pull it out because it's starting to over cook.
(it was still amazing though.)

Needed Items:
Doe (if I am spelling 'doe' wrong please don't correct me...just chuckle to yourselves in humor over my lack of spelling education.)
1 can of tomato sauce
Seasonings (we use garlic, salt, pepper, oregano, cilantro, and dried onion powder...but it's all to your preference)
Ground sausage with sage (or other preferred meat)
Lots of cheese
Lots of canned mushrooms (if you use fresh then sate them first)
And any other topin's you like...just have fun with it and load it up...
Large-ish rectangle dish
You will need a fork to eat it with!

Set oven on 425.
After laying doe out carefully in dish, make sure it lays against the sides as well and bake it for about 10 minutes. Then pull out the warm doe and spread it out more if's even more modifiable at this point of time.
During that time brown the meat...don't fret over making sure it's fully cooked. (it will cook more in the oven)
Pour in can of tomato sauce and strongly season.
Layer on the topin's like what you do with lasagna...make at least 3 full layers...bring it as high as the dish.
Pour tons of cheese on top and then season some more.
Bake for 20-25 minutes.

Let cool then stuff yourselves full of the deliciousness!!!!

P.S. Remember in the last posting how I talked about our microwave jumping from the liquid exploding inside....well now our microwave won't shut right nor will it heat correctly. So we really do need to be careful as to what we trust on the internet...


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your microwave, and I love how you ask not to be corrected on your From one potential not so hot speller to another, if you use Google chrome or Firefox as your web browser it will automatically underline words that are misspelled for you. I love it. Pizza looks yummy :)

Sincerely- You Know Who

Amber said...

ya I have that...but 'doe' is spelled multiple ways for multiple meanings so not always does it pick it up that I am using the wrong 'doe'. Thanks :)