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Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Many Uses of Vinegar...

My husband and I are both cheap. Neither one of us are cool with the idea of spending hundreds of dollars through-out our life-time for cleaning agents and other products when there are cheaper and healthier products out there that we already have in our of those that I want to brag about is vinegar.

Here are the things that I personally use vinegar for:
*Note -I found a barely used cheap bottle of body spray, emptied it, and turned that into my 'vinegar spray'.

1. My hair.
I use vinegar as my conditioning agent for my hair. I just mix 1 cup of vinegar with 1 cup of water and pour it on after washing my hair 'no-poo style' and leave it in while I wash my body. Then rinse.

2. Keeping the teeny-tiny ants off of my kitchen counters.
These are pesky little guys here in our location. They fit and squeeze through every tiny little crevice. They are why we have to store all our dry foods in the refrigerator. However, when I regularly spray down our counters with my mixture of *half vinegar and half water they stay away. I must keep up with it though and do it every few days. 
If I ever get lazy and they get out of hand then I will directly spray vinegar onto them and then line the edges of the wall/counter with the mixture. It will either kill them or make them run away.

On those shiny white tiles in my kitchen those ants like to form their trail. 
To your right is a pack of those teeny tiny ants. The ones on the counter are dead and so are some on the wall. The live ones on the wall are frantic because I had sprayed and they don't know where to go next because I threw off their trail.

3. Wiping off my cabinets, tiles, glass, and other surfaces.
Using my *mixture, I spray it directly onto a wash cloth just lightly dampening it. It works perfectly at cleaning off all my home surfaces.

4. Emergency First-Aid.
While this is not my typical product I turn to for open wounds (I prefer Tea Tree Oil), when I am out or in a hurry I have grabbed my bottle of vinegar and directly poured it onto the wound before. Yes it stings but it works amazing at disinfecting the area. 

5. Disinfecting my produce.
Soaking my produce in a sink of half vinegar and half water for about 20-30 minutes really helps clean my produce. However I will confess that many of times I have just poured vinegar directly onto my produce before when I am feeling too lazy or impatient to wait. I'll then just rinse it with purified water and it's fine.

6. De-Ruster.
I knew that lemon juice was a good tool for taking that annoying rust off of our little things, but I don't have any. So then I thought about how vinegar has high acidity like lemon juice and so maybe that would do just as well...and you know what? It does.
Just soak your little item in a cup of vinegar and leave it there for awhile. Then, depending on the size or style of your device just use a q-tip or tissue to wipe it all off. You may need to give it a few rounds before it's completely off but it's worth not having to throw it away.

7. I did once try the 'drink apple-cider vinegar' thing for getting rid of cellulite but it didn't do anything for me except make me hate the smell and taste of what I was about to drink. I tried it for two weeks and nothing. But some women would dare their life on apple-cider vinegar...

Below are some sites I have found with WAY MORE information about vinegar and all the hundreds of uses for it... 
1001 Uses for Vinegar -I found this site that was mind-blowing! 

What are some of the things you use vinegar for? Just write your answer there in the comment section below.

Happy cleaning!

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