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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Ant Invasion...

About 4 weeks ago my mother's very clean kitchen was being taken over by ants. No matter what she did or how much vinegar she used (which usually works) they couldn't be kept away. As we were contemplated what to do I remembered something a friend of mine told me about a couple years ago. She mentioned mixing borax into some jam and placing it near the path of the ants and as they eat it and take it back to the others to share they then all pass away. 

So we tried it.

And you know what!?! 
It worked! 

We made sure to do it at a time that was convenient with keeping the dogs outside so as to not harm them if they were to ingest the poisoned jam also....which we had no doubt that they would have. Here's what we did.
Take a small lid or device of some sort and place a glob of jam on it. Then take a decent amount borax and mix it in. It's that simple. Then place it in the ant's pathway and watch the magic happen. It took about 30 minutes for the ants to all find their way to the jam but once they did it was like opening a free candy buffet to a bunch of 4 year-olds. 

We placed this in a corner by the front door since seemed to have been finding their way in through their...(her kitchen is right beside it).

It's been a while now and the invasion seems to have been truly ceased which has resulted in a very happy momma.

Have a good day!!!

What are some of your ant invasion stories?

1 comment:

Stephani said...

Good for you! I have a natural cleaner that is an oil emulsifier. We spray it on any ants we see, and they die. (Ants are oil based creatures.)

That works well for us, since we have both an indoor cat and dog. It's safe for animals... but not bugs!