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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Classic Stuffing....FROM SCRATCH!!!

Every year for Thanksgiving there is only one thing that I absolutely MUST have...I don't care about the turkey or the pies...what I care about is the stuffing. And me, well, I'm a stove-top girl and I have mastered it very well. However, as many of you know, I am currently living in a third-world-country -a place that does not have stove-top anywhere to be found.
So what was a desperate girl to do? Make it from scratch. I was not expecting it to end up this amazing so when I took it out of the oven the first time I freaked out over how good it smelled and looked so of course it was picture time. IF I KNEW that it was going to turn out so amazing then I would have taken pictures of my entire process but I didn't because I was expecting it to be a failure.
For weeks I searched and searched online to find the winning recipe. I didn't want raisins or cranberries or sausage or whatever else fancy nonsense...I just wanted simple stuffing. AND FINALLY, I found it and gave it many of my own little tweaks due to the lack of certain ingredients and making it the day before but re-baking it the next day. I also did what I needed to do to make it moist...the way I like it.

Berdy's Classic Stuffing (no, my name is not Berdy...just my nick-name)

You will need:
1.5/2 loafs of white bread - stale or lightly toasted -cubed (approximately 16 cups of cubed white bread)
lots of seasonings (sage, oregano, garlic, rosemary, salt and pepper)
2 eggs with a little milk (about 1/4 cup)
1 stick of butter plus some on the side
chicken broth
1 cup of finely chopped celery
9X13 made A TON!

*Assuming you start this the day before your feast*
Melt the stick of butter in a large skillet over medium heat.
Add celery with lots of garlic and herbs...only a little salt but heavier on the pepper...& cook 5 minutes.
Add 3 cups of chicken broth and bring to a simmer.
Beat 2 eggs w/ milk in a VERY LARGE bowl...add the 16 cups (or close to it) of cubed stale white bread.
Pour in the veggie-broth mixture and toss. Really get each cube of bread a bit wet.
Transfer to a buttered baking dish and lightly pour melted butter over the top...don't go overboard.
Cover and bake 30 minutes @ 375 F. Uncover and bake a good 15 minutes.
The next day soon before it's time to eat so you pull it out hot...
Pour in a butt-load of garlic and seasonings (minus the salt and pepper) into a cup of water and mix.
Pour over entire top of stuffing and bake uncovered for approximately 10-15 minutes or until golden brown.
Lastly, eat it!

I prefer my stuffing on the moist side and not so much on the dry side so if you prefer it on the dryer side then don't add milk to your eggs and only pour 1/4 cup of seasoned water on the for the last baking instead of a full cup.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to try this! :-)