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Monday, January 14, 2013

The Wonder Of Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil is something I learned about way back in high school at the herb and natural health shop I worked at. Tea Tree Oil was most always an answer to any question. If I accidentally cut myself on something my boss would suddenly be by my side with Tea Tree Oil on hand. The oil is something I have grown to really love and so I want to spread it to you...

Please be reminded, I am not a specialist of any kind. I have just been using the oil a lot for many years and have learned much about it as to it's useful traits and such...

What is Tea Tree Oil?
Tea Tree Oil is an essential oil extracted from the leaves of a tree in Australia. It is purifying and used as a great topical agent but is not to be ingested.

The uses I have personally found great from it:
Cuts and scrapes of most any kind. -using a qtip dab the oil on the cut. A little goes a long way.
Acne -using a qtip I rub the oil along the acne area. Again, a little goes a long way.
Scalp treatment -fill a baby dropper and squeeze the oil along the scalp. Use a pick and divide the hair inch by inch until the oil is on each section of the scalp. Or use it in your shampoo. There are tea tree oil shampoos you can find or just pour a tea spoon or table spoon into your shampoo bottle and shake.
Burns -using a qtip dab the oil along the burned area. If you want to put a pain relieving cream on the burn then do not mix it with the oil...I have no idea how the two would react.

Some folks have claimed that it has made their moles and/or worts disappear ..however I have not tried using it for those cases...partly because I do not get worts and partly because moles are very sensitive and I would be scared to irritate it.
I do however have a mole half the size of a pencil eraser on my face and since I put tea tree oil on my face often that particular mole does get exposed to it...but it has never changed.
There have also been claims that Tee Tree Oil is a great use for a bug repellent, however I have not found that to be the case for me. Maybe the type of bugs that I was around at the time of trying it were not repelled by it, I don't know, but in my case I have not found that to be true...but it may have some partial truth to it. There just needs to be more research and/or experiments for it.

Tea Tree Oil is a cleanser and purifier and even anti-fungal which is why it is a great replacement for peroxide or alcohol on cuts and things.

It is not a pain-relief nor an itch-relief but depending on the cause of the itch it may just simply take care of the problem.

In it's history it has been used as a cold, cough  and sore throat treatment through inhaling it. However I would never recommend this unless a real natural health specialist would. I have read that the oil is poisonous thus why it's not to be ingested and with that I presume there are strict rules as to how it is to be used as an inhalant.
above is a website with great of  the best I've found.

A cool thing that I have accidentally discovered about it is that it eats completely through styrophome....

These pictures below are what happened to a foam plate that I poured a tiny amount of the oil on. The section that is completely eaten through was where it had gathered the most when poured. The circle under the plate is just a cup I was using to place it on. But this shows you just how strong the oil really is...

When I had first discovered this I had poured it into a foam cup not realizing what would happen. In just a couple minutes the entire bottom of the cup was eaten through. This plate took longer to be destroyed but only because it's thicker and made differently.

You should be able to find Tea Tree Oil at your local super market in the vitamin section under 'T'. It should cost under ten dollars and last months depending on how frequently you need it...I use mine a lot and only have to buy a new bottle twice a year.

Have a great day!


Unknown said...

I have considered your article as one of the best in tackling topics regarding tea tree oil for acne. I think with your information you have shared, I have now considered the tea tree oil as my top list in my acne remedy.

Amber said...

Thank you Melissa, that is very sweet of you to say. Tee Tree Oil really does fight acne well doesn't it?