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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tater-Tot Chicken Maddness

"Hey! Gimme some o' your tots."....Oh how we all, including the beloved Nepolian Dinomite, love Tater-Tots. They are given to us as children and it's one of those foods that we never grow out of. Today the hubs and I have off from work and while there is plenty of food in the apartment nothing was sticking out at me that I could make quickly for lunch. We were out of bread, so sandwiches were out of the question. And all the milk had been gobbled up as well...thus cereal was out of the question. Yes, we are one of those couples that love to eat cereal at other meals throughout the day. Anyways there is one thing I ALWAYS have in the kitchen and that is a can or two of cream of mushroom soup. So...looking around I found a bag of unopened tater-tots in the freezer, grabbed out our leftover chicken we made for Thanksgiving (yes we made a chicken instead of turkey...don't judge), some cheese and two cans of cream of mushroom soup. I inherited my mother's knack for concocting stuff to eat from random things found in the kitchen. Even though I am not exactly a marvelous cook....and am still very much learning....I can at least concoct stuff out of the materials I already possess.

So here is what I concocted...I am sure that this can definitely be revised or 'bettered' but we were too starving to take time on such delicate things.

Tater-Tot Chicken Maddness...(maddness because while it is good were so so hungry we were going mad.)
Half a bag of tater-tots
2 cans of cream of mushroom soup
Large handful of shredded-ish already cooked chicken
LOTS of cheese (I used taco cheese because that's what we had...but I think cheddar cheese would go very well with this.)

Mix all those ingredients together and cook in the oven at 450 degrees for 25 minutes. Then eat. No, don't eat...stuff yourselves full! This was actually quite delicious. It could though maybe use some garlic and some corn and some salt and pepper... but that's all to your preference.

P.S. My hubby thought it was amazing...Big Win!

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