I admit that I can not remember how much they cost me but I know that if money is ever an issue then tearing strips of rags or socks will do the trick just enough. These I love because they are long lasting, durable, soft (thus easy to sleep in), and I can use them in multiple ways.
Be sure to have a wide tooth comb or pick handy.
First you want to be sure your hair is only damp, if it's soaking wet then it will never dry unless you have extremely thin hair.
Second, comb through your hair and grab a small chunk on the top.
*Please note that the amount you grab will indicate how loose or tight the curl will be.
Third, twirl the chunk of hair and start wrapping it around a rod end first...
Fourth, hook the end of the rod through the hole of the tulip. No worries, it will stay in place.
Fifth, continue to do that throughout all of your hair.
Next morning/when dry....
Take out each rod one by one.
I wanted loose curls this time, so instead of my usual many spiral chunks of hair it came out like this...
And then BAM...it looks like this....
The way you place your hair on the rod also depends upon the outcome of the curl as well. If you want super tight almost perm-like curls then you wouldn't twirl it first but simply use a very small chunk and wrap it around the rod tightly. I've done that before and I loved it.
Have fun curling!